Initiatives for Social Issues

At Epson, we have always exercised creativity and have challenged ourselves to deliver products and services that exceed the expectations of our customers around the world.

We have done this by drawing on the efficient, compact, and precision technologies we have developed since the company was founded. In 2016, we formulated the Epson 25 Corporate Vision, which described how we wanted Epson to be in ten years and mapped out actions and a path to get there.

We believe the efficient, compact, and precision technologies can play a major role in solving social issues.
In addition, we will co-create sustainability and enrich communities.

Social Issues Tackled by Epson

Epson's Efforts

Reducing environmental impacts

Reducing environmental impacts

Improving work environments

Improving work environments

Connecting a decentralized society

Connecting a decentralized society

Improving the quality of infrastructure, education, and services

Improving the quality of infrastructure, education, and services

Lifestyle diversification

Lifestyle diversification

Effectiveness of the Four Materialities and Initiatives for SDGs

Epson identified the high-priority issues (materialities) that Epson should address to solve these social issues.

In the 2021 fiscal year, Epson selected 12 key sustainability topics to enable us to address four newly identified priority issues (materialities). Epson has incorporated these topics in its mid-range action plans and is driving initiatives to address social issues and contribute to the SDGs.

Materiality Key Sustainability Topics Examples of Medium-Term Actions
Achieve sustainability in a circular economy Decarbonization initiatives Using renewable energy and energy-saving equipment and facilities, removing greenhouse gases, engaging suppliers, and pursuing carbon-free logistics
Closed resource loop initiatives Using resources effectively, minimizing product loss, ensuring long use of products (refurbishment, reuse, etc.)
Reducing the environmental impact of customers Reducing power consumption, extending service life (providing long-term corrective maintenance), scaling down production equipment
Environmental technology development Applying Dry Fiber Technology, using naturally derived (plastic-free) materials, recycling raw materials (metals, paper)
Advance the frontiers of industry Improving productivity through digitalization and automation Transitioning to distributed production, local production, and low-volume high-mix production; driving printing innovations; supporting diverse customer needs; innovating production processes and printing processes through the application of inkjet technology
Improving the work and education environments Creating clean, space-efficient workspaces, relieving labor shortages through automation, supporting remote learning and remote work, creating a fair and high-quality learning environment
Improve the quality of life Enriching diverse lifestyles Providing personalized health support and safety services that reassure; providing products that are immediately adaptable to lifestyle changes
Realizing lives that are rich, dynamic, and interesting Providing products such as high-quality watches with appealing designs, expanding products and services in spatial design and art
Fulfill our social responsibility Increasing stakeholder engagement Responding to needs and social demands by strengthening dialogue with customers, shareholders, investors, suppliers, NGOs/NPOs, international organizations, employees, and potential stakeholders
Realizing responsible supply chains Carrying out socially responsible activities that promote human rights and good environmental practices throughout the supply chain, and stably providing customers with products and services by strengthening business continuity management
Respecting human rights and promoting diversity Preventing harassment and respecting human rights, utilizing human resources in a way that respects diversity, recruiting and developing human resources, and creating a free and open organizational culture
Strengthening governance Accelerating and ensuring the transparency of management decision-making, improving the risk management system, ensuring 100% compliance, and strengthening information security

Microdevices Division Initiatives

Here is an example of our efforts in the Microdevices Division.

Microdevices Division Initiatives

Initiatives for Social Issues with Our Customers at Their Side

Crystal device products are incorporated into various electronic devices and used by customers. We strive to help minimize the environmental impact and improve operational efficiency and productivity so that our customers can contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.